On January 23, 2021, COERR Mae Sot organized the Environmental Education Training for youth in Ban Nupo Temporary Shelter in Tak Province. There were 20 young people of 11 female and 9 male attending.
Later, during January 26-28, 2021, COERR also organized At-Source Waste Separate Training for adult displaced persons numbering 148, consisting of 128 women and 20 men.
Both projects were aimed to raise awareness for youth and adults regarding waste management in their family and community through 3Rs.: reduce, reuse and recycle. These trainees and their family members could participate and cooperate in environmental protection by adopting 3Rs.
After the training, youth and adult trainees answered the post-test. It was found that they understood more about their roles in waste management and garbage separation; and that waste could be reduced should they be reused. Only unrecyclable waste were thrown in the garbage bin. Cloth bags, and bamboo woven baskets could replace plastic. Glass, plastic bottle and cups could be cleaned and reused. Moreover, the recyclable waste could be exchanged or sold for income generation.
